On the grapevine

Is Miss EA Event Coming to Rwanda? Word reaching us from the organising committee of the Miss East Africa Event RENA has it that Rwanda will host Miss East Africa 2009 Grand finals, scheduled for October.

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Dominique Umulisa.

Is Miss EA Event Coming to Rwanda?

Word reaching us from the organising committee of the Miss East Africa Event RENA has it that Rwanda will host Miss East Africa 2009 Grand finals, scheduled for October.

There are speculations that Kenya is struggling harder to host the same event, but the committee wishes to have it in Rwanda, because the country is famous for hosting regional and international events.

The Grand finals will attract 20 girls from 14 countries: Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Seychelles, Mauritius, Re-union, Madagascar and Comoros.

According to those in the know, the winner of Miss East Africa 2009 will walk away with a Lexus car worth about USD 40,000!

Meanwhile, Rwanda’s Miss East and Central Adventist University, commonly known as Mudende, Dominique Umulisa who emerged as the first runner-up during the previous Miss EA competition, has continued to send tongues wagging with many propping her as the possible Miss EA ’09.

Attention seeking antics

Drama was recently at Teddy’s Restaurant, upper Kiyovu, on Mr. Mento’s birthday, actually the Mr. Mento is one of Rwanda’s famous traditional artists.

A certain radio presenter, from a local radio station, jumped and grabbed the microphone from the MC, claiming that he had a burning issue he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Scouts say the guy, with a wide gap in his upper front row teeth, shouted at the top of his lungs saying: "I’m so privileged to attend to Mr. Mentos’ birthday!

It’s in this regard that I promise to be playing at least two of his songs on my radio station on a daily basis!

Clad in a long-sleeved black shirt and a cap pulled below his face, the guy left many wondering what on earth had happened to him. As the act wasn’t enough to disapprove his mental capability, he then literally ran back to his seat pocketing the microphone.

"That guy must be mentally sick!” one of the attendants examined.

A restaurant turns into a wrestling ring

We didn’t know who was in the truth, or wrong. Whether the guy who sustained severe injuries, or the one who had lesser.

What is apparent, the two men where involved in a "No retreat...No surrender” battle that only the Omnipresent had the potential to stop!

Our highly dependable snoops reported that these two buddies, who work for the same company, coincidentally found themselves clashing for the same girl who works as a…in the same company.

Scouts have gathered that these two fellows, identified only as Peter and James were busy in their offices when the former attempted to invite Betty (not real name), on a lunch date, little knowing that James was deadly in love with the same chic.

We hear, James tiptoed and followed the duo at a certain restaurant where he found them sharing a light moment. With all the jealousy and anger, James immediately jumped and slapped Peter in face, which sparked the fight between the two.

What amazed the chic and others was when tearful James yelled at Peter blaming him for having cheated on him. 

With a swollen face and torn shirt, here’s what a sobbing James told Betty, "Please, I’m so sorry about whatever has happened, but I love you so much and I want you to be mine forever!”

A flustered and not amused Betty just went to the counter, cleared the bill and left the two men to sort themselves out. 
