Upcountry Insight: Moringa growers’ testimonies

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA—As if what experts have said about Moringa is not enough, testimonies emanating from Moringa growers are convincing many to believe the place is a ‘miracle tree.’

Sunday, October 07, 2007


RWAMAGANA—As if what experts have said about Moringa is not enough, testimonies emanating from Moringa growers are convincing many to believe the place is a ‘miracle tree.’

Rodovico Byihorere, a resident of Mukarange Sector in Kayonza says he has two reasons to grow Moringa till death sets him apart from this world.

"I had a kidney problem.,” Byihorere says. "When I could go to ease myself I would pass out blood. When I realized that the medication I got from hospital could not help me any more, I resorted to chewing Moringa seeds. I chewed 10 seeds of Moringa on a daily basis and I ate other Moringa products and got cured.”

He also gives an example of his cow that was bitten by a snake and became so sick, but up on feeding it with Moringa leaves, it got cured.

Speaking from experience, Theodore Bakurirehe, an association of people living with HIV/Aids in Kirehe district said association members who are feeding on Moringa have registered a very big difference and are strong and more healthy.

President of Cooperative d’ Agriculture du Moringa Nasho, Gilive Rekeraho, appreciates Moringa for being his the main source of income.

"Our cooperative has 48 members and we have just harvested 670 kilos. Each kilo is sold at Frw8000, so you can estimate how much francs we are yet to receive,” Rekeraho said.

Director General of Moringa Cooperative Growers  Moses Mitali says that the crop has been an ‘overwhelming’ succees.

"We have been telling Rwandans how Moringa is a miracle tree. Some could not believe, but people have started to learn its usefulness.”

Research findings indicate that Moringa product as Moringa leaves are highly nutritious and therefore a solution to malnutrition and its related diseases. 

Additionally, out of Moringa many products can be manufactured including jelly, soap and oil, all of which have competitive market prices.
