NUR improves in World University ranking

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — The National University of Rwanda (NUR) has yet again registered improvement in its international ranking- coming fourth in East Africa and twenty-seventh on the continent.

Friday, January 30, 2009


HUYE — The National University of Rwanda (NUR) has yet again registered improvement in its international ranking- coming fourth in East Africa and twenty-seventh on the continent.

In the previous study whose results were released in July 2008, NUR was ranked fourth in East Africa- a position it has maintained, thirtieth in Africa and stood at the 5,002 position in the world.

This year, it has gained three places up in Africa but has tremendously increased its worldwide position from 5,002 to 4,415.

NUR is the only  ranked university in the country in a study conducted by the Webometrics ranking of World Universities- an initiative to improve the presence of the academic and research institutions on the Web and to promote the open access publication of scientific results.

Started in 2004, the ranking is based on a combined indicator that takes into account both the volume of the Web contents, visibility and impact of these web publications according to the number of external in-links (citations) they received.

Commenting on the latest development, NUR’s publicist, Sam Mandela said the ranking was timely and reflected the improved performance of the university.

"It (website) is the ultimate platform that positions our university to prove its dominance in the country and region,” said Mandela.

The ranking that is done twice a year- in January and July puts Strathmore University first in East Africa and twelfth in Africa. In second position is the University of Dar-es-Salaam followed by University of Nairobi.

In Africa, the University of Cape Town tops the category, but comes 359 worldwide. The Massachusetts University of Technology (MIT) is ranked 1st worldwide. It has maintained this position for the past consecutive three rankings.

According to Webometrics, the ranking of universities is geared at motivating both institutions and scholars to have a web presence that accurately reflects their activities.
