World vision donates bicycles, hospital beds

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — World Vision Rwanda on Wednesday donated 30 bicycles and an assortment of health equipment to support their volunteers working in Rutare, Rukomo and Bwisige in Gicumbi district.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


GICUMBI — World Vision Rwanda on Wednesday donated 30 bicycles and an assortment of health equipment to support their volunteers working in Rutare, Rukomo and Bwisige in Gicumbi district.

The items that included 1500 health kits and 35 patients’ beds donated to Gicumbi district, each worth Rwf600,000, were handed over at Byumba Anglican Church reception hall by the director of World Vision Rwanda, Jean Baptiste Kamate. The beds will be distributed to district health centres.

Handing over the donation, Kamate said World Vision is committed to providing health care in local communities through the eradication of malnutrition among children while at the same time seeking to combat  the spread of HIV/AIDS virus.

The NGO is also keen on providing accommodation to vulnerable groups countrywide.

"World Vision is committed to work hand in hand with government, donors and local communities in the country to eradicate malnutrition in children and assist other vulnerable groups through provision of shelter, education and good health,” said Kamate.

According to Kamate, World Vision works on the principle of maintaining close cooperation with residents in order to learn from each other.

"Each of you should be able to evaluate your positive values after accomplishing a particular humanitarian task,” he urged.

The vice Mayor for social Affairs Ildephonse Butera, who represented Mayor Bonane Nyangezi said World Vision ranks first in supporting the district’s development goals.

"World Vision is our partner in the effort to attain Rwanda’s Millennium Development Goals of eradicating poverty and attaining economic prosperity,” said Butera.
