Road Safety Week: Officials call for responsible driving
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

With parts of the 208-kilometre Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo road upgrade project in Eastern Province already completed, officials have called for maximum safety on the road.

They delivered the message Monday in Kayonza during the launch of Road Safety Week in Eastern Province.

"Everyone is excited about the new road, the part that was completed looks very good, but the problem is that it is being used in an irresponsible way,” said Fred Mufulukye, Governor of Eastern Province.

The cost of the project is $184,710,390, and upgrade activities were launched February this year, with the aim of improving the transport infrastructure to enhance economic growth, poverty reduction, and regional integration between Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.

One of the reasons for accidents was alcoholism, which the governor said drivers should avoid if they want to reduce road accidents.

The Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of operations, Felix Namuhoranye, said it was mainly the behaviour of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists and car drivers that cause accidents.

"Everyone can help reduce accidents,” he said.

He called on passengers to cooperate to reduce road accidents, especially when they notice that motorists are driving irresponsibly.

"You have the ability of not letting them kill you, you have the ability and we have your back covered,” he stated.