Finally, a ray of hope in Eastern DRC

Editor, Weeks had turned into months, as the innocent people in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo suffered painfully at the hands of the merciless Ex-FAR Interahamwe rebels.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Weeks had turned into months, as the innocent people in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo suffered painfully at the hands of the merciless Ex-FAR Interahamwe rebels.

After a while of planning, hundreds of rebels are surrendering and being smoked out of the area. This takes me back to a statement that I have always believed.

Once Africa unites against her problems, they get to be solved easily rather than if we wait for the so-called Europeans to help us find solutions.

Rwanda’s joint operation with DRC has bred unbelievable results. It is in this regard therefore that I wish to thank our leaders who are making Eastern DRC peaceful. Anything is possible with collective effort.
