Be flexible: Make a difference in ones life

Mention the word pyramids and immediately the mind will travel to the land of the Pharaohs in Egypt. Pyramids are actually one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mention the word pyramids and immediately the mind will travel to the land of the Pharaohs in Egypt. Pyramids are actually one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

How such structures were constructed at that point of time in history, taking into account the level of technology prevailing then, is a wonder up to this day.

The pyramids are big structures, beautiful and mysterious. They attract thousands of tourists every year. But some characteristics which may not be positive about them is that, they are fixed, monumental and inflexible.

They are historical and are sometimes of benefit to history students and tourists. There is a popular saying that the thing we learn from history is, "We never learn anything from history”.

If history could help humanity then we would have never had the Rwanda Genocide, Iraq war, or the September 11th in the USA. So that is as far as pyramids can help us.

However networks on the other hand, are inter-connected channels with the lines of communication running in all directions.

Networks have their own life as opposed to pyramids which are dead structures. Networks are about the present and the future while pyramids are only a burial place for the dead Pharaohs.

I would like to advocate that we build networks, instead of pyramids, in our relationships, institutions and organizations. Networks are about relationships.

They allow the free flow of information forwards, backwards, sideways and upwards. Networks are pro-people; flexible and easy to enter into and come out of.

There are many institutions and organisations in our country, both in the public and private sector, which we can only compare to pyramids, only good for tourist attraction, inflexible and monumental.

They post fierce security people at the gate to keep visitors at bay. If you try to enter, you will have to state who you are, where you have come from, whether you have an appointment, and many other details which really are personal.

It would be better if they would put up a sign post asking visitors to hand in their curriculum vitae to the security people in order to gain entrance. These organisations are like pyramids, beautiful and monumental.

God wants us to build networks and not pyramids in our daily lives. He wants us to build relationships that are flexible, tolerant, enduring, broadminded, and which help to create impact in people’s lives.

There are people in our midst who are like pyramids: difficult to talk to; have never brightened the day of anybody, and are very selfish.

When I was a young boy of fourteen, a new preacher came to our church. I would always go in late and slip out early. One day I delayed just a bit and got caught up in the crowd coming out.

Just before I slipped through the door, I felt a heavy hand was on my shoulder. I looked up and there was the preacher looking right at me. He asked who I was, and whose son I was.

Then he examined my face a little more and then uttered "Oh, yes I know who you are. I can see the family resemblance. You are a son of God”.

He patted me at the back and said "Boy, you have a big inheritance. Go and claim it” I had never heard such important words about me for a long time.

It is also a pity to see some churches in this country headed by leaders who have turned them into pyramids rather than networks. These churches are intolerant, inflexible and can not provide succor to thirsting souls.

They keep some people out, and others silent and generally act like they are an end in themselves. It is high time we re-examined the structures and foundations of some of our churches and their motives and long-term goals, so as to remove the pyramidal features from them and build networks instead.

A church organisation must be pro-people, caring, compassionate and tolerant. It is my prayer that God will permeate through our lives so that we can choose to be like living networks and not like dead pyramids. Let us be proud when we are able to spread the love of God around.