It was a wonderful night!

Wow, what a night to remember! I’ve been to very many hangouts. Attended very many parties, but I must confess that this one topped all!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow, what a night to remember! I’ve been to very many hangouts. Attended very many parties, but I must confess that this one topped all!

It was a true honour getting to attend this birthday party in Nyarutarama, one of Kigali’s upscale residential areas. It was attended by very many people, mostly the affluent class.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend a birthparty, you’re right to wonder what the excitement is all about. Anyway, it was one of those fancy parties you dream of, organised by Jean Pierre Bizimana, a young, local entrepreneur.

It was a night filled with laughter, drinking, eating and dancing. All this activity happening in his palatial home; complete with bar and swimming pool.

It all started at around 5:30 pm at the office, when I had finished my tasks, preparing myself for home and call it a day, when I received a text from a friend asking me whether I was free. The reply was an obvious and direct "YES!”

He immediately picked me up from my office, and we went to Ndoli Joint’s Supermarket, where we purchased liquor which included: Koskenkorva, Violette, Carolans, Amarula, Red Wine, and some snacks, and dashed to the venue of the party.

We were received by the vibrant music mix of an obviously talented DJ, who we later learn was one of the hottest in Kigali.

The tact with which DJ KB selected and mixed his music was excellent that made the already wild crowd dancing themselves almost half lame. The kind of music selected was Western pop and East African tunes!

Later, I met the birthday boy himself, and what is a birthday without a bath (or a baptism)? So my friends and I did the  expected we drenched Jean Pierre with two buckets of cold water and in so doing ‘baptised’ him ‘Pierre Gates’

We partied into the wee hours and although birthdays only come once a year, this was one bound to be remembered throughout the year.
