Know your rights

As children, it is very important to know the rights you are entitled to enjoy. Today we are going to talk about your right to good health.

Monday, January 26, 2009

As children, it is very important to know the rights you are entitled to enjoy. Today we are going to talk about your right to good health.

According to the ‘Child Rights’ convention; ‘Children are entitled to the highest attainable standards of health.’ This means that every child is entitled to proper medical care when sick.

Children have to feed well in order to stay healthy. Eating a balanced diet (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, starch and proteins) helps the body to be strong and free from any disease.

Children who are poorly fed are likely to fall sick often. This is because of poor body immunity. Since you now know that children have a right to good health, remind your parents to feed you on a balanced diet.

Prevention is better than cure therefore; make feeding on a good healthy diet part of your daily life.
