Dream big

On Tuesday last week, Barack Obama was sworn in as the first black President of United States of America. This was something many people thought was impossible Nevertheless, he had a big dream.

Monday, January 26, 2009

On Tuesday last week, Barack Obama was sworn in as the first black President of United States of America. This was something many people thought was impossible
Nevertheless, he had a big dream.

That dream was to be a president. So he worked hard to achieve his dream with all his strength. He believed in himself and did not listen to the negative and discouraging things people told him.

Instead he worked harder towards achieving and realising his dream. We can learn something from this. First of all, we need to set goals and dreams before we start working hard towards achieving these goals.

Well, you can start by making a goal to excel at school. Then work hard and ensure that you always get good grades. You also need to be obedient to your parents and teachers by listening to them.

Never listen to people who discourage you and say you will never succeed in life. Such people do not wish you well and do not have your best interests at heart. Always stay focused on your dream and work towards achieving it.

And who knows maybe one day you will be the next president, doctor, engineer or astronaut. You will realise your dream just like President Barak Obama did.
