Obama loves children

America’s president Barrack Obama was sworn in last Tuesday on January 20th, 2009. Before swearing in, he told his two daughters, Malia-10 and Sasha-7 that the reason he ran for presidency was to make them happy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

America’s president Barrack Obama was sworn in last Tuesday on January 20th, 2009. Before swearing in, he told his two daughters, Malia-10 and Sasha-7 that the reason he ran for presidency was to make them happy.

For America’s 44th president, the campaigns were an adventure to ensure that his daughters and other children found happiness.

Obama said that he wanted every American child to grow up in a world with no limits to their dreams. He said that there was no achievement beyond their reach.

Among the things he wishes for the American children include; top education, equal opportunity to go to university irrespective of their financial status and to get well paying jobs.

This is not only a wish for America’s children but for all the children around the world.
