Rwanda's Capital Market Authority joins IOSCO in the 2022 World Investor Week campaign to enhance investor education
Friday, October 07, 2022
Trading at Rwanda Stock Exchange on December 31, 2019. file

The Rwanda’s Capital Market Authority (CMA) joins the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in celebrating the sixth annual World Investor Week (WIW) from 3 to 9 October 2022 focusing on investor education and promoting investor protection to support and guide investors’ decision for their long-term investment appropriately.

The growth of any economy depends on capital accumulation, which in turn depends on investment and an equivalent amount of savings to match it. Two of the most important issues in development economics and for developing countries are how to stimulate investment and increase the level of saving to fund increased investment.

During this year’s World Investor Week, CMA will conduct digital media and broadcast media campaigns to engage the general public on available saving and investment opportunities through the local stock market.”

Trading at Rwanda Stock Exchange on December 31, 2019. file

The Officer in charge of Public Education and Awareness programmes at the Capital Market Authority (CMA), Magnifique Migisha stressed that "Financial education is one of the recognized tools to support and guide individuals’ decision making to balance their budget, make ends meets, identify risk factors and plan for their long-term future appropriately.”

Mr. Migisha added that "As a demand side solution, it can complement supply-side approaches including improved regulation and consumer protection which ensure that investors and consumers are protected, well informed and treated fairly. It may also be used as a means of encouraging formal savings for those currently excluded from financial services.”

CMA and the capital market industry players have committed to carry out regular public education and awareness initiatives meant to bridge the financial literacy gap targeting retail investors in Rwanda to facilitate an interactive and educative forum to enable investors to start saving and investing through the local capital market. Rwanda has also made impressive strides in developing its local capital market as one of the young and growing sectors in the country with many promising opportunities.

This year’s campaign targets the general public whereby they are educated on the importance and benefits associated with saving and investing through the capital market. They will also learn various key concepts of saving and investment opportunities through the Rwandan capital market.