A day in the life of....A hair dresser

I work at East End Saloon in Remera. My work includes treating various hairstyles and weaves depending on a client’s preference. I wake up at 6a.m, go for a shower, and then prepare breakfast. I dress-up, have a cup of tea with bread, pray and leave for work.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Gloria Katenya.

I work at East End Saloon in Remera. My work includes treating various hairstyles and weaves depending on a client’s preference. I wake up at 6a.m, go for a shower, and then prepare breakfast. I dress-up, have a cup of tea with bread, pray and leave for work.

I take a taxi from Kiyovu to Remera. This costs me Rwf 150. I am usually at work by 7:25a.m. When I get to work, I organise the saloon, carry out some cleaning then wait for customers as I listen to the radio.

Between 8 to 9:30am, three to four customers will have come. Usually by mid-day, more customers will have come.

By 12:30p.m, I feel like having lunch but can’t because of the clients. I, however, have it at 1:30p.m from a nearby restaurant.

After lunch, I rest and return to work at about 2:30p.m. I manage to rest because at that time, I do not have many customers.

However, at around 3p.m customers start coming in bigger numbers but more come in at around 6p.m.

I make sure I take a cup of cold milk between 7-8p.m. Then as it gets to 8p.m, work slows down and at 8:30p.m, I sign off from work to return home. From work, I normally pass by the butchery to buy meat. I enjoy meat.

By 9:30p.m I must be home, have a shower and then take tea prepared by my young sister. I relax a bit, and then iron the clothes which I will put on the next day for work.

By 10p.m I make sure I am done with all that I am meant to do, then sit down with my sister for about 30 minutes to discuss anything of importance to us. After that I go to bed. 
