Relief as cassava, banana prices fall
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
A  man buys bananas from Kimironko market. File. A  man buys bananas from Kimironko market. File.
A man buys bananas from Kimironko market. File.

Following widespread concerns over rising prices of Irish potatoes owing to shortages, a drop of prices in the cassava and bananas has been received with much relief.  

Last month, this paper ran a story showing how it was becoming almost impossible for many families in Kigali to afford Irish potatoes due the increase in prices.

However, a survey by this paper shows that there has been an increase in supply of banana and cassava as a result of the bumper harvest.

Cassava now is going for between Rwf150 and Rwf200 a kilogramme, while the price for bananas is between Rwf150 and Rwf180 per kilogramme.

The increase in produce has been attributed to heavy rainfall recorded between March and May this year.

 According to traders, the falling prices have sparked high demand for bananas in Kigali.

Traders say that at least 100 tonnes of bananas enter Kigali on a daily basis compared to the last two months which was about 40 tonnes.

Noël Hatekigimana, a father of four who resides in Kacyiru, a Kigali suburb,  says that the fall in prices especially, cassava has been a huge relief to his family.

"With the prices of Irish potatoes having gone up, this is a big relief for most of us,” he said.