Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a successful middle aged business woman, single and with no children. Before I became successful, I yearned for a man to befriend me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a successful middle aged business woman, single and with no children. Before I became successful, I yearned for a man to befriend me.

I sought all corners of the world for a man and no one was willing to be my husband. Now that i am very successful with houses and posh cars to boot, men are all over me including the ones who rejected me before.

Even though deep down I long for a partner to share with me all the goodies in this life, the disappointment is still there, for I have realised that people want and like you for what you have and not what you are. I need children so badly. What do I do because i am now running out of time.
Dear Dauphine,

Ever heard of a song; "No romance without Finance”? This song was sung in the eighties. People have lost the meaning of love.

Everyone is looking for a partner who before everything else will offer comfort and security. Sometimes, you can’t blame us, it’s the reality of the harsh world that has made some of us change into material girls and boys.

You are not the first person to think like this. Many have, but are left with no option but to get a person to share their lives with. No man is an island.

You will need someone in your life eventually-so better now than later, considering your age. One thing for sure not all men are the same.

I would like to think that maybe at the time you were searching for a man, you had criteria of the man you were looking for, and that man was not there then, or the time was not right.

Please, know that everything happens at the right time and for a purpose. It is wrong to classify all men as the same. There are still good men out there, you only need to open your eyes and heart to see him.

If you feel you do not need a man then do not force yourself into it. As for the children, you can adopt them for as long as you are ready to provide all the parental care that they need both emotionally and financially. In the meantime, I advise you to keep your options open, you never know.
