Justice Robert’s mistake unforgivable

Dear Editor, There is a saying that “to err is human,” but in some cases, it is completely unforgivable. Earlier this week, when the new President of the United States of America, Barack Obama was taking his sacred oath, Chief Justice, John Roberts of the US Supreme Court did not follow the order of the words. 

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dear Editor,

There is a saying that "to err is human,” but in some cases, it is completely unforgivable. Earlier this week, when the new President of the United States of America, Barack Obama was taking his sacred oath, Chief Justice, John Roberts of the US Supreme Court did not follow the order of the words. 

With the mistake, Obama had to be sworn in for the second time. The mistake has attracted worldwide criticism with many saying such a mistake could not happen during such a historic moment. Well, what is done can not be undone.

What is annoying most is that it happened after Obama and Roberts rehearsed for days before the oath was officially taken on the inauguration day. I hope that such mishap never happens again.
