Development partners pledge more support

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Members of the Gicumbi Joint Action Forum (JAF) on Monday reaffirmed their commitment in supporting the district attain its development programmes this year.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


GICUMBI — Members of the Gicumbi Joint Action Forum (JAF) on Monday reaffirmed their commitment in supporting the district attain its development programmes this year.

This was during JAF’s meeting held at the district – in which members laid strategies for promoting the district development programmes. 

While addressing participants, the JAF chairperson, who is also the district vice Mayor for economic affairs, Ildephonse Butera urged them to improve on service delivery in order to accelerate economic development in the area.

‘We should join hands  this year in order to achieve the government’s programmes of economic revolution, aimed at eradicating poverty and steering economic development among Rwandans’, said Butera.

JAF resolved to intervene in the areas of economic and social development, which will include provision of certified  seeds and artificial fertilisers to farmers, installation of solar energy panels in all Sectors, availing clean water to residents, provision of scholastic materials and health facilities among other things.

‘Each development partner should submit their annual budget to the district and make development reports after every three months, in order to enable the district to monitor the development projects in the entire district’, added Butera, who was flanked by JAF first vice chairman, Etienne Ndimukaga.

The JAF members present included the Decentralisation Community Development Programme (DCDP), Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development (ACORD), Heifer International Project (HPI), religious leaders and representatives of Gicumbi district Authorities.
