Students performance improves, say head teachers

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Primary and secondary school head teachers in Muhanga have appreciated the performance of students in the recently released primary and ‘O’ level national examinations. The head teachers made the remarks while receiving the results yesterday, at the Muhanga cultural centre.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


MUHANGA — Primary and secondary school head teachers in Muhanga have appreciated the performance of students in the recently released primary and ‘O’ level national examinations. The head teachers made the remarks while receiving the results yesterday, at the Muhanga cultural centre.

The results were handed over by Claude Sebashi, the district education director, who said that the performance standard has greatly improved.

"I have not yet analysed the results but by face value it’s evident that most students performed well especially in Ruli Primary School and St. Leo’s Petit Seminary” Sebashi said.

Most of the school heads were evidently seen showing big smiles on their faces as they anxiously went through the result lists.

‘The students worked hard and spent valuable time being focused on their studies…and we are proud of their performance’, said Abbe Celse Hakuziyaremye, the director of St. Leo’s Petit Seminary.

Most of the directors however, said they still needed time to understand the new system of grading and thus asked for further briefings from the education department. 
