Expedite building fuel reserve tanks

Dear Editor, To buttress any economy against fuel shortage shocks, a country needs to have enough fuel reserves. And these reserves should be managed by government.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear Editor,

To buttress any economy against fuel shortage shocks, a country needs to have enough fuel reserves. And these reserves should be managed by government.

However it is shocking to note the reserves currently in use can only sustain the country for a few months. As a land locked country located hundreds of miles away from the sea, through your paper, allow me to interest ministry of infrastructure technocrats to prioritise the constructing of bigger fuel reserves countrywide.

We do not want to go back to the recent  fuel rationing in the country, at pump stations. Recently we could only consume a maximum of about 20 litres of petrol per day. This was bad for an economy as some drivers had to postpone long distance businesses. 
