Drink boiled water, residents told

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — The Mayor of Kayonza district, Damus Muhororo has urged area Sector Executive Secretaries to promote hygiene among residents. He was on Tuesday addressing Executive Secretaries and other district officials at a one day meeting.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


KAYONZA — The Mayor of Kayonza district, Damus Muhororo has urged area Sector Executive Secretaries to promote hygiene among residents. He was on Tuesday addressing Executive Secretaries and other district officials at a one day meeting.

He urged residents to maintain basic hygiene through wearing  shoes, while  making it a habit to drink boiled and clean water, among other measures.

‘I appeal to residents to drink boiled water kept in clean containers. It would be easy to tell if they drink boiled and clean water by checking on the container where they store the water’, he said, adding that , ‘every family should have at least a five liter clean jerry can for storing drinking water, accessible to every member of the family’.

The Mayor urged leaders to always reach out to residents instead of waiting for them at their places of work, as this would help leaders inspect residents’ standards of living.

He further asked leaders to encourage residents to maintain records of their needs, which could help them to tally what they have achieved against what they missed.

The Mayor said that education and embracing health insurance are some of the critical items each family had to undertake no matter the difficulties encountered.

Meanwhile, at the meeting it was noted that there was a lot of litter in the trading centers because the cooperatives which used to collect rubbish were stopped due to poor management.
