REMA blames district for delaying eviction

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) has blamed Karongi District authorities for delaying to evict residents residing on the banks of Lake Kivu.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


KARONGI — The Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) has blamed Karongi District authorities for delaying to evict residents residing on the banks of Lake Kivu.

REMA had earlier directed the district to evict all the people staying there because their activities were considered environmentally hazardous.

However, the residents of Mbabara Island in Bwishyura Sector have since petitioned the line Ministry, challenging the decision, which they say is a violation of their land rights.

Speaking at a meeting with local leaders last week at the province offices, the Director General of REMA, Dr. Rose Mukankomeje, asked the district to carry out the evictions.

She assured residents that they would retain their rights over the land until the district comes up with an alternative solution. She said that the evicted residents would have the right to go back and cultivate their land.

Meanwhile, residents who spoke to The New Times revealed that the district recently sent a team of local defence personnel and demolished ten houses whose owners are now living in temporary tents, but we could not independently confirm this.

According to our sources, the affected residents complied with the eviction order but they complain that until now the district has not compensated them.
