Rwandan celebrities share messages of solidarity
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

As Rwandans across the world commemorate the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi for the 30th time, local celebrities have shared messages of solidarity with Rwandans with The New Times.

Mani Martin, artiste

Mani Martin

On this journey of rebuilding the Rwandan nation, every human being of this land should reflect on the Rwanda we really want, beyond just the "Rwanda We Want " saying. You should be able to fully see, contribute and testify to the incredible growth taken every second of this nation's life.

The Rwanda you build from within yourself can determine the Rwanda you physically see and the Rwanda you take everywhere you go.

Aline Gahongayire, gospel artiste

Aline Gahongayire

30 years later, I praise God and appreciate the good leadership of our country. Every Rwandan heart remembers and is full of courtesy. The strength in unity and hope enabled us to build Rwanda that was shattered by what happened.

We shall never forget, those whom we lost and will always looks forward, trusting that we will keep building and protecting what we have accomplished.

Darest, artiste


We are who we are today because of our past. Now we know what to protect for a good future generation. Rwanda is now a mirror of unity and sustainable development as a result of good governance. We still have a long way to go but there is hope and direction. I advise the youth and artists to work hard to build our motherland because our new Rwanda needs visionary personnel and hard workers with a positive mindset. Never Again

Audia Intore, artiste

Audia Intore

Dear Rwandans, I wish you strength as we continue to remember our people we lost during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi for the 30th time. As we remember, let us grow with a target for a better future, full of unity and peace as the children of this nation.

Patycope, music promoter


1994-2024, 30 years, we are alive and protectors of what has been accomplished during the time. We have to condem those who have the ideology of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis. Kwibuka30 is a good time to reach out to survivors honoring them, Let's remember and improve ourselves.