Why do my gums hurt?
Sunday, September 09, 2018

Dear Doctor,

My gums hurt when I brush my teeth, however, I have never had issues with my teeth. What is the cause of this? Anita


Dear Anita,

The most common cause for gums that hurt is a chronic inflammation of the gums, i.e. chronic gingivitis. It usually occurs as a result of chronic infection of the gums.  Not cleaning the teeth after food results in formation of plaques. These form a nidus for bacteria to grow and multiply. The mouth is home to hundreds of bacteria. Some of them multiply and can result in infection, if oral hygiene is poor. The risk is higher with sugary foods and drinks like cakes, candies, sodas, and etcetera. 

The gums can become sensitive due to loss of dental enamel. This can be due to poor hygiene, certain drugs like tetracycline’s, high starch and sugar containing foods, sweetened drinks, gastro intestinal problems, and gastroesophageal reflux. Tooth brushes with hard bristles can damage the gums, resulting in chronic infection and inflammation. Similarly, old brushes with worn out bristles do not clean the teeth properly and are a risk factor for causing infection.

One may have misaligned teeth due to congenital or childhood dental problems or some trauma. This makes good cleaning of the teeth and gums difficult, resulting in chronic recurrent infections and inflammation.

Dental and gum problems cause pain and increased sensitivity of the gums and tooth loss. They can also cause systemic infections and heart problems, hence, should not be ignored.

The way forward for you is to improve hygiene of the teeth and gums. Brush teeth every morning and before going to bed at night and after every meal. If that is not possible, at least rinse the mouth after meals or drinking soda with copious amounts of water. An antiseptic mouth wash is good for this purpose. Avoid a tooth brush with hard bristles. Replace the tooth brush as soon as its bristles start getting worn out. Once or twice a week, dental flossing is good. Massage the gums with a clean finger or gum paint.

Avoid taking sugary foods and drinks.

If by adopting the above measures, you feel that the problem has been solved, continue with them. Otherwise, approach a dental technician for professional cleaning of the teeth. If the problem is severe, it may need a course of antibiotics.