Intra-health evaluates its activities in Ngoma

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Intra-health Twubakane yesterday started a three day tour of Ngoma district to evaluate the progress of some of  the projects it has been  sponsoring  in the area.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


NGOMA — Intra-health Twubakane yesterday started a three day tour of Ngoma district to evaluate the progress of some of  the projects it has been  sponsoring  in the area.

Led by Dr. Derick W. Brinkerhoff, from the US based Research Triangle International (RTI), the four-man delegation first met with the district leadership that included the district Mayor, directors of different departments in the district and health officials- during which they discussed matters concerning the progress of the projects under intra-health  sponsorship.

The district leaders pointed out that they had made progress in a number of areas citing promoting use of family planning methods and  access to reproductive health services within health facilities and communities. Other areas of progress cited included increased enrolment into the health insurance scheme.

Launched in 2005, the Twubakane Decentralisation and Health Programme operates in 12 districts across the country. It’s interventions are in different areas including health care needs and strengthening the capacity of local governments and communities to support improved health service delivery.

The Twubakane’s five-year US$500,000 programme ends in January 2010 but Brinkerhoff, said there was a possibility of extending it. ‘It will depend on the results we will get after evaluating if what we sponsored is moving on smoothly’,he said.

He commended the country’s efforts and determination to create a conducive atmosphere for the residents to develop, pointing out that performance contracts commonly known as Imihigo, act as a good catalyst for development.

The evaluation, Brinkerhoff said, will be carried out in three districts of Gasabo, Ngoma and Nyamagabe.

Intra-health also donated 14 laptops to all Sector Executive Secretaries and provided office furniture for the sector offices.
