Muhanga tax payers want taxes slashed on cooperatives

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — The business community in Muhanga district has appealed to tax collectors in the area to be polite while collecting tax dues.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


MUHANGA — The business community in Muhanga district has appealed to tax collectors in the area to be polite while collecting tax dues.

At a meeting held at the cultural center, last week, different business operators in the district accused some taxmen of being rude and unfriendly to the residents.

They requested  the district officials to take serious measures against such officials, saying their conduct hampered tax collection.

Tax payers also asked that the district authorities  improve on the general hygiene within the district headquarters as it is evident that the town center lacks public toilets and other sanitation facilities.

They requested for tax cuts for cooperative societies  and micro finance institutions within the rural areas. In her response, Yvonne Mutakwasuku, the Mayor of Muhanga promised to handle the issue of indiscipline among accused  individuals.

Mutakwasuku, also urged tax payers to always meet their tax obligation, pointing out that the district wanted to widen its tax base.

She said: ‘The district is set to improve public services in 2009 and we intend to raise over Rwf.242 million in six months. This target depends on the cooperation of residents especially the business sector’.

The private sector questioned how this target could be achieved arguing that if the district collected Rwf.276million in 2008,then it will be difficult to hit this target.

The tax officials explained that it would be possible if all tax payers were paid on time and there were no cases of  tax evasions.

The Mayor also added that the district revenue will increase since there is a bid to privatize the central market- in which most taxes have been lost due to mismanagement.
