UTEXRWA to invest $6m in production of treated mosquito nets

The company is seeking  about $2 million as their initial investment in this programme, which is under government support.  Usine Textile du Rwanda (UTEXRWA), the only textile industry in Rwanda is planning to manufacture mosquito nets with an initial investment worth $6 million this year.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The company is seeking  about $2 million as their initial investment in this programme, which is under government support. 

Usine Textile du Rwanda (UTEXRWA), the only textile industry in Rwanda is planning to manufacture mosquito nets with an initial investment worth $6 million this year.

Management says that the company’s investment in mosquito nets is part of the company’s efforts to diversify the company’s product line and Rwanda exports.

The company’s Managing Director, Raj Rajendran said that 3 million Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) are expected to be produced this year.

"The initial investment of $6 million will cater for the acquisition of more machines to supplement the existing ones,” explained during an interview recently.

Though Rajendran didn’t give details, he disclosed that the company is negotiating with a German company for enhancement of the required technology, adding that once all is set, UTEXRWA will start ITNs production by March or April this year having gotten government’s support.

With the ready market for ITNs in the region estimated in millions per year, UTEXRWA plans to increase its investments in the projects for export. Management says that about 12 million nets for exports are expected to be produced in 2010 and 2011 for export after additional investments.

In similar efforts to diversify the company’s product line and the country’s exports, UTEXRWA will also fabricate banana and pineapple leaves into textile this year.

In late 2007, the company also diversified from making cotton textile to silk. After a year, the first products are expected on the local market early February.

Rajendran said that the company plans to make more investments in value addition before it exports Rwandan made silk on the international market.

The management of Rwanda’s oldest textile company, these investments projects (banana fabric and ITNs) will see over 250 Rwandans employed directly in the factory this year. Currently, the Kigali based factory employs about 750 Rwandans, most of whom have been trained on job.

According to government’s Vision 2020, such a company is said to be making a considerate contribution towards the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) through employment and empowerment of workers.
