Should we expect more from Obama?

Dear Editor,Almost the entire world has celebrated President Barack Obama’s taking over the White House.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear Editor,
Almost the entire world has celebrated President Barack Obama’s taking over the White House.

This is a clear indication that the entire world is ready to receive "The Changes” likely to be brought by Obama.

Every African hopes to benefit from the Obama Presidency but what we should know is that the more we are looking at him as a ‘change-bringer’ is the same way Americans are.

Obama has indirectly given a boost to the psychological confidence level of millions of Africans.

He said it correctly with the title of his second book: The Audacity of Hope.

As the New York Times commented several weeks back, Obama is that rare politician who writes his own books…plus, he knows how to write.

This man is, indeed, audacious and what he has accomplished is a mark of that audacity.

In this sense, I think Obama will be an inspiration to millions of people.
