In your circle of friends

Friends are our anchors as we go through life’s journey. They are our light when it seems too dark to walk alone. They shield us from the rain of tribulations; friends are and always will be the greatest gift of life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friends are our anchors as we go through life’s journey. They are our light when it seems too dark to walk alone. They shield us from the rain of tribulations; friends are and always will be the greatest gift of life.

I treasure my friends because they have seen me through the darkest moments of my life and I have shared with them my happiest moments. Friends are people who are in your mobile phone speed dial. They are a call away.

Friends guide us through different seasons of life. They explain to us the things that seem hard. At least, there is one person we can call a friend.

Some friends are seasonal while others will remain in your life forever.

That’s why it’s important to choose a circle of friends. These are the ones we turn to for encouragement, support, and advice. If they don’t share our beliefs, that can mean trouble.

We also need to be careful about who we confide in and spend a lot of time with. Spending a lot of time with people draws you to adopt their attitudes and behaviours. Like someone said "Birds of a same feather flock together.”

Your friends tell a lot about you and what you believe in. If they are bad mannered, other people will believe that you are like them. If they are well behaved, it will be assumed you are too. This means, friends can make or break you.

The friends that you keep should hold similar morals as yours and if you don’t like hanging out with someone of bad influence, then keep them off your circle.

A healthy circle of friend should strengthen you and help you stand firm in what you believe in.
