More smiles or less study

It was a week since school opened I dreaded returning to the dungeons of a boarding school since I was enjoying my holidays.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It was a week since school opened I dreaded returning to the dungeons of a boarding school since I was enjoying my holidays.

When school starts, I feel like I am being swallowed by a huge pit. My happiness dwindles when I look at the school gate.

Then, my mother’s lectures are unforgettable before beginning every term.

"Son, do you ever account for your time at school?” she asked.
Absent minded, I thought about first days at school and waited for mum to continue but she didn’t.

"Hey, I asked a question!” she startled me out of these deep thoughts.

I didn’t remember the question so she repeated it. After I was cornered to explain my time at school, I realised that I actually never studied much. I always dreamed and counted down the end of classes at the start of each lesson.

I was stuck so I said nothing and instead looked away guilty.
"It is not about the money we pay for your fees but all we want is for you to be someone of substance in the future. Your choices are what will shape your future,” she advised.

Mother had engaged me in mature talk but what was special was the reality of her good intentions for me. This changed my school life. I gained focus and my love for books was rekindled.

I pictured a bright future and felt in charge of my life. I mean, my attitude was turned around. Studies were my first priority and I used fun to kill boredom and relax.   
