Activity centre:Make your own phone

Do you see mummy and daddy with a phone and wonder when you will get your own, well we have a solution. You can make your very own phone and not worry about being spanked by mummy when she catches you touching hers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do you see mummy and daddy with a phone and wonder when you will get your own, well we have a solution. You can make your very own phone and not worry about being spanked by mummy when she catches you touching hers.
Two clean plastic tins, a thick string or thread (1 Metre long) and two small sticks.

Make a hole in each of the tins, you can do this using a nail but if you can’t, ask daddy to help you with this.

Start from the outer side of the tin and pass the string through each hole. Tie each end of the string to the small sticks inside the tins so that the string does not fall out.

Ask your friend, brother or sister to hold one of the tins and you the other. Go in separate directions and make sure the string is straight. Then peak into your tin while the other person listens just like a phone.

This activity is a lot of fun especially if you do it with a friend. Now you have your own phone don’t go playing with your parent’s phones.
