Beware of strangers

Kids now that you are back to school, I am very glad for you because going to school means you get to learn many new things that you did not know.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kids now that you are back to school, I am very glad for you because going to school means you get to learn many new things that you did not know.

However, children who are not escorted to and from school should not forget what your parents have always told you about strangers.
Not all people you meet are good. They promise to give you sweets, biscuits and ice-cream.

Some even promise to take you home and say they know your parents. You should not believe what they tell you.

When you come across such a person tell them that you are okay and your parents stopped you from talking to strangers, then walk away. If the person insists on following you, scream your lungs out and call for help because this is usually a bad person.

Try to avoid walking alone but always move in a group as you go to school and back home. In this way, bad people will fear bothering you.

Otherwise I know you are going to be good boys and girls. I also know you are ready to learn a lot and be as wise as King Solomon in the Bible. However this can only be done when you are safe.
