WILDLIFE: DISCOVERY!The Warthog: A tough member of the pig family

Today we are focusing on the Warth it is the toughest member of the pig family. Most of us know about pigs because they are domestic and of course very tasty for those who eat pork.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today we are focusing on the Warth it is the toughest member of the pig family. Most of us know about pigs because they are domestic and of course very tasty for those who eat pork.

Well, pigs have a family just like we know of the Cat family that also has tougher members like leopards and cheetahs. Even the Dog family that has tough members like the fox.

The fierce looking Warthog lives in the wild mostly in Africa’s tropical Savannah. Since the temperatures are usually hot, they stumble in mud to keep cool since they do not have sweat glands.

They live in family groups called sounders. The male warthogs are called boars while the females are sows.

They have wart-like tusks that are mainly used for defence and these tusks are commonly found among the male warthogs.

Usually Warthogs go about their own business however when they feel threatened by humans, they will attack. 

Although these wild pigs have very poor eye sight, they have a good sense of smell and sharp hearing abilities.

Warthogs are one of the toughest animals in the jungle however; its main threat is the lion and leopard which hunt them as prey.
