700 trained on GBV

WESTERN PROVINCE NGORORERO — About 760 people drawn from different Sectors of Ngororero District on Friday completed a three-day training on Gender Based Violence (GBV). The training was organised by the district and was  aimed at curbing GBV cases  in the district.

Monday, January 19, 2009


NGORORERO — About 760 people drawn from different Sectors of Ngororero District on Friday completed a three-day training on Gender Based Violence (GBV). The training was organised by the district and was  aimed at curbing GBV cases  in the district.

The trainees who were drawn from all 13 Sectors of the district are expected to sensitise other area residents on the dangers of gender based violence within  family units.

Speaking at the closure of the training, the Governor of Western Province, Celestin Kabahizi, thanked the district for initiating the campaign and urged the trainees to become effective change agents by helping residents to stem the vice.

He pointed out that such vices have always prevailed due to ignorance of local residents regarding  their rights, and urged participants to work together by penetrating villages to educate residents on the dangers of the vice.

At the function, the Ngororero Mayor, Suprien Nsengimana, said the training was timely. He expressed optimism that the district would end cases of GBV this year.

‘You have been trained and the skills you gained here will be constructive. With your efforts, I am sure you will sensitize  local people about the dangers posed by the vice and 2009 will see GBV crimes curbed substantially in our district’, he said.

Iyabuze Oswald, one of the participants said the training was very vital and they would disseminate the knowledge they got to reach the area residents.

‘I am going to spread the good inputs  I got from this training. I will do this by training residents from the grassroots level and I hope that GBV and other related problems will be curbed substantially,’ he said.

Gender Based Violence cases  against women and children came top on crime incidences in Ngororero district last year, according to Police reports.
