Bravo, to new teachers!

Dear editor,I would like to compliment the government on the various development policies it has put in place especially in developing the education sector.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dear editor,
I would like to compliment the government on the various development policies it has put in place especially in developing the education sector.

By taking on various ambitious goals in order to achieve Vision 2020, as part of the strategy, the education sector too has embarked on using English as a medium of instruction in not only the schools but in all government institutions.

This for many could be likened to climbing to the top of mountain Everest because one can only imagine how the over 90 percent Francophone schools have to adapt to using English.

However, I would like to appreciate the efforts that the Ministry of Education is doing to make sure this transition from French to English is a success.

We appreciate the new group of American teachers who are volunteering to teach students in English for one year.

This is a great investment in the Education sector and we can learn from them, as they too learn something great from our culture.

Their lives will never be the same. These teachers are leading by example in order to achieve a greater call on their lives as they inspire students.

I hope other teachers from around the world will do the same to come and teach in Rwanda.