Burundi needs help

Dear Editor,While Rwanda is progressing well towards full integration into the East African Community (EAC), reports coming in from the Arusha based EAC secretariat show that Burundi is slightly slow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dear Editor,
While Rwanda is progressing well towards full integration into the East African Community (EAC), reports coming in from the Arusha based EAC secretariat show that Burundi is slightly slow.

Part of Burundi’s problem is the small economy and the recent instability.

Their resources are allocated to very critical areas. The country is just healing from the wounds of the political instability, a thing discouraging investors to move to this strategically located country.

To match the pace at which Rwanda has managed to meet the integration process requirements, Burundi should be helped both financially and with the required human resource.

This is the only way to position our sister country on the same footing with Rwanda, a country that has already harmonised its fiscal policy with that of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya.