Houses, tourist sceneries in wetland areas to be demolished

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI- All buildings constructed in wetland areas in Kibuye town, Karongi District in the Western Province will be demolished soon, information from the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) indicates.

Monday, January 19, 2009
Dr. Rose Mukankomeje


KARONGI- All buildings constructed in wetland areas in Kibuye town, Karongi District in the Western Province will be demolished soon, information from the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) indicates.

The move, according to Rema is to protect the environment warning other residents who intend to build in the wetland without prior environmental impact assessment.

Rema has also warned the district against constructing tourist sceneries near the Lake.

The district has constructed different tourist sites on the shores of Lake Kivu, without respecting the 50 meters space provided for by the law governing the environment.

"It is very shocking to see that law implementers are violating it instead of guarding it,” she complained.

Sources from Karongi District say that more than 50 houses will be demolished in the first phase.

Last week, the Director General of REMA, Dr. Rose Mukankomeje gave a directive to district leaders to stop residents constructing more houses in the wetlands.

"Residents should not be allowed to build houses without any authorization from Rema.

 The idea is to protect the environment,” Mukankomeje had said while meeting the district leaders.

She said that her office would work hand in hand with area security organs to ensure that the law protecting the environment is respected.

A district source told The NewTimes that most of the buildings in Kibuye are built in wetlands. REMA has been complaining but residents have continued to disregard its directive.

Last year, REMA stopped the construction of a market in the district which was said to be in the wetland.

The market was subsequently relocated to another area.
