The first defence against cybercrimes begins with the victim
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Exactly how deeply entrenched are cybercrimes in our society is still a mystery, but there is reason to worry and be wary.

Cyber criminals always seem to be a step ahead of law enforcement but sometimes their lack runs out as was the case for 11 Rwandans and four Nigerians who are on trial for hacking into a local bank’s account in the Central Bank and managed to help themselves to over a billion francs.

Just this week, a 21-year old school dropout was arrested after fleecing some local celebrities and a foreigner of their hard-earned money using their social media accounts. The plot was so elaborate and yet easy for those who know how to go about it, but it was unbelievable that it was the work of someone who dropped out of school in his fourth high school year.

After both incidents, and other losses by banks that are not reported for fear of spooking their depositors, it is now sinking in why social media platforms urge their users for strong passwords.

The consoling thing about cybercrimes is that they always leave behind an electronic trail. But in order to make good use of it to identify the culprits, law enforcement needs to move swiftly.

Today, most e-Crimes are committed using a simple smart phone, which is why whenever one is reported stolen, service providers should move swiftly to track it. They should do away with their bureaucratic demands and put their tracking mode into motion.

The quicker a phone is tracked and disabled, the lesser chances of it being used by our super-smart criminals. But the onus is on the service providers. They should be at the forefront of making their platforms secure, and carry frequent sweeps on their lines looking for suspicious operations.

Otherwise, hackers are here to stay so people just need to be on their toes at all times.