Weekly Review

Kayonga, Nziza lawsuit takes off The week begun with news that the long awaited case filed by Lt.Gen. Charles Kayonga and Brig.Gen Jack Nziza in the Belgium Grand Instance Court was to be heard on Monday.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kayonga, Nziza lawsuit takes off

The week begun with news that the long awaited case filed by Lt.Gen. Charles Kayonga and Brig.Gen Jack Nziza in the Belgium Grand Instance Court was to be heard on Monday.

The two senior army officers filed a case in 2007 contesting indictments issued against them by Louis Bruiguire, a French magistrate, who alleges that the Generals, who were part of the Rwandese Patriotic Front, had a role in the downing of the plane carrying former Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994.

The two generals are requesting that the charges be dropped and they be given an opportunity to tell their side of the story. This is an opportunity they never got before the French magistrate issued his indictments.

Kabuye in court this month

It was also reported this week that the Director of State Protocol, Rose Kabuye, will appear in court on January 28. This development was confirmed by the Minister of Information Louise Mushikiwabo.

Kabuye flew back to France after spending a holiday in Rwanda. She was arrested in Germany last year before being transferred to France.

RNEC to display exam results online

The Rwanda National Examination Council (RNEC) will in future have examination results displayed online for easy access by both students and administrators.

The head of the examinations body John Rutayisire was quoted saying that the results will also be availed by SMS. This is aimed at reducing the traffic and congestion at RNEC Headquarters whenever the results are released.

Makuza commends Anglican Church

Prime Minister Bernad Makuza this week commended the Anglican Church and other religious organisations for their role in the development of the country.

He was delivering a speech on behalf of President Paul Kagame at the consecration and installation of the Rt. Rev. Nathan Gasatura as Bishop of Butare Anglican Diocese last Sunday.

Business registration to last only two hours

It was reported earlier this week that government plans to cut on the time it takes an investor to register a business to just two hours.

Eraste Kabera the head of the Rwanda Commercial Registration Service Agency (RCRSA) was quoted in the media saying that currently it takes a business 24 hours to be fully registered down from 14 days that were previously required before the establishment of RCRSA.

The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yang Jiechi paid a visit to Rwanda on Wednesday for a one day official visit, to discuss ways for further strengthening China-Rwanda relations. The Chinese minister met with President Paul Kagame at Urugwiro Village.

FARG bosses sacked

The office of the Prime Minister on Tuesday suspended officials of the Fund for Support of Genocide Survivors (FARG), including all members of its board of Administration and four top managers. 

The sacked officials are the Executive Secretary, Jean Marie Vianney Karekezi, the Director of Administration and Finance, Sylvain Nsabimana, the Programmes Officer Jean Marie Rwagatare and the Director of ICT Janvier Ngabo.

No reason was given for their suspension according to media reports. The suspension according to reports comes amidst worries over the funds’ management being raised countrywide, with both government officials and FARG managers blaming each other of irregularities that have existed since its establishment in 1998.

Army and Police Top brass warned against indiscipline
President Paul Kagame this week cautioned top army and police officers against indiscipline, alcoholism and engaging in acts of corruption.

He also cautioned them against behaving irresponsibly. The President passed on the advice on Thursday during the traditional annual cocktails at which he hosts top brass of the Rwanda Defence Forces, the National Police and other Security Servcies at Urugwiro Village.
