Perfect Weekend….

Joseph Habineza is Rwanda’s Minister of Culture and Sports (MIJESPOC). Minister Habineza’s weekends usually begin on Friday evenings. He closes his office and heads to his favourite game (tennis), at Nyarutarama Tennis Club. From the game, I go to a fancy restaurant for some appetising bites and drinks. Mr. Habineza says that he doesn’t stay out long because of too much fatigue.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Joseph Habineza.

Joseph Habineza is Rwanda’s Minister of Culture and Sports (MIJESPOC). Minister Habineza’s weekends usually begin on Friday evenings. He closes his office and heads to his favourite game (tennis), at Nyarutarama Tennis Club. From the game, I go to a fancy restaurant for some appetising bites and drinks.

Mr. Habineza says that he doesn’t stay out long because of too much fatigue. Despite the fact that after five days of work, a big percentage of other working class people prefer oversleeping on the weekends, the presumption seems to be different from Habineza’s.

I don’t spend long in the bed. I will jump out at exactly 5:30a.m or latest 6 and start on physical exercise, have a shower after a few minutes and get ready for my breakfast.

I enjoy Saturdays because that’s when I spare enough time to share breakfast with my family and get sometime to chat with my children.

At 11a.m, I will already be out to figure out what’s going on in my ministry. There are always sports activities going on, especially on weekends. So, as the Minister of Sports, I have to attend, as part of my office obligations.

Sundays, I’m only supposed to play golf, which is usually at Golf Club Nyarutarama, and get back home for lunch. I also enjoy driving around Kigali city by myself or with my children.

Just like many claim, Habineza says weekends in Kigali can sometimes be a little boring because of lack of entertainment venues such as drama theatres or proper cinema halls where one can watch Rwanda’s traditional dance troupes performing or watch movies respectively.

The Minister admits to be club-goer, but because of society’s concept that nightclubs are meant for indiscipline, and hooligans, vagabonds…., he had to quit the tendency.
