Confident about the unknown future
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

That is what our education system should be able to do — to instill confidence in students so that they know that they can take care of any situation that arises in the future.  The unknown jobs in the future are definitely going to require skills that need to be developed as soon as yesterday.

With the supersonic speed at which the world is evolving, lots of things will drastically change.  Can’t imagine so? Well, do you recall the year 2005? How many banks had ATM outlets, how many people had a smartphone? Back then, we would flock a phone booth to make our calls and so many people were employed in this area. Fast forward, 2018, phone operators are not necessary as everyone can operate their own cellphone. 

But what jobs can we prophesy will be available? Aging and anti-aging industry will continue to thrive.   Beauticians, nutritionists and any service related to the maintenance of beauty and health will be in high demand. Women all over the world for centuries before and for the future proceed to search for that secret antidote that will keep them youthful forever. What will definitely be new is the way things are done based on all the research through the years and the technology used.

If you want to be a future employment job prophet or prophetess you may want to consider what the world’s problems are today. Future employers will seek for those with solutions to these challenges. Pollution, excess rubbish and environment conservation as well as knowledge management are some key areas that will continue to trend.  Still, all these types of work require one to be highly creative, be able to think on your feet, and to be widely knowledgeable about so many disciplines.

For you to excel, your mental skills must be very elastic, able to stretch largely in all sorts of directions but more importantly, your people skills must be impeccable. To be able to tell what the clients require, work effectively in a team to build even newer technology or to command a robot to carry out a procedure, you need to work very well with others.