Eviction of residents in Nyagatare not fair

Dear Editor, I have too much pain in my heart due to the government’s proposal to evict residents of Nshuri trading centre. To make it worse,  the local leaders in the area are denying that they are mistreating the residents when a few weeks ago they demolished three houses inbroad day light.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dear Editor,

I have too much pain in my heart due to the government’s proposal to evict residents of Nshuri trading centre. To make it worse,  the local leaders in the area are denying that they are mistreating the residents when a few weeks ago they demolished three houses inbroad day light.

As if that is not enough, the leaders including the mayor shamelessly have not found a place to relocate these people. To my surprise, the leaders allege that residents of Nshuri were given good houses and money to facilitate their relocation.

This is not true.  They even added that ‘’ imidugudu’’ were built for the locals. What kind of leaders are these? As occupants of the area we request the government to consider our needs and investigate these leaders.
