Districts to prioritise economy, education

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The governor of the Western Province, Celestin Kabahizi has urged all District Mayors in the province to work hard to achieve this year’s set economic goals.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


KARONGI — The governor of the Western Province, Celestin Kabahizi has urged all District Mayors in the province to work hard to achieve this year’s set economic goals.

He was speaking on Monday, during a provincial consultative meeting on the implementation of activities and plans for this year.

The meeting brought together provincial officials, all area Mayors and development partners. Kabahizi commended the leaders for last year’s achievements and urged participants to make the fruitful outcomes achieved last year as a foundation for setting this  year’s goals.

He observed that last year’s performance was good enough within different fields, but said a lot of effort is indeed needed in order to register a double return on efforts.

‘A tremendous success was achieved last year but we should work exceptionally hard to make this year look better’, he said.

All residents were urged to embrace the performance contracts. During the meeting, several plans were unveiled  but priority would be given to improving the economy and raising education standards. It was revealed that evaluation meetings will be held regularly to closely monitor  the  implementation of such programs.
