Editorial: Parliament’s oversight function underpins Rwanda’s democracy

Parliament has to strengthen its oversight function to minimize losses of taxes and to ensure that projects remain on track until successful implementation.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

President Paul Kagame yesterday chaired an RPF meeting that endorsed the party members who will contest in the upcoming Parliamentary elections scheduled for September this year.

In his remarks, the President emphasized the role of the Parliament in the transformation agenda of the country.

Indeed, the new MPs will take office at a time when the country has just begun the implementation of the 7-year national transformation agenda. This development blueprint, if implemented as planned, will remarkably transform the lives of the Rwandan people.

Through an efficient oversight mechanism, MPs can ensure the government implements its policies in accordance with the laws and the budget passed by Parliament.

The vigorous monitoring of the implementation of the National Strategy for Transformation is a sign of good governance -one of the key pillars of Rwanda.

Every year, the auditor general presents his report to Parliament which scrutinizes it through the Public Accounts Committee. During the PAC hearings, it publicly emerges that projects have either derailed or valuable taxpayers’ money has gone to waste.

Parliament will have to strengthen its oversight function to minimize losses of taxpayers’ money and more importantly to ensure that the projects remain on track until successful implementation.

The Transformation Agenda is clear, and the Parliament being the defender of people’s interests owes it to Rwandans to make sure it is successfully implemented.
