EAC to develop good governance framework

In a bid to lay a foundation for the yet to be approved Political Federation, the East African Community (EAC) is developing a regional framework that will help promote good governance in the region.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In a bid to lay a foundation for the yet to be approved Political Federation, the East African Community (EAC) is developing a regional framework that will help promote good governance in the region.

The comprehensive regional framework will comprise of four pillars that include democracy and harmonization of democratization processes; promotion and protection of human rights and equal opportunities; preventing and combating corruption, enhancing ethics and integrity; and upholding the rule of law and justice.

In an interview with The New Times on Monday, Beatrice Kiraso, the EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of the political federation said that the Community has identified good governance as a starting point for achieving the ultimate goal of the five partner states, a regional political federation.

The EAC will next week hold its first conference on good governance and regional integration to discuss the draft framework. The meeting will take place in Dar es Salaam, the United Republic of Tanzania. 

"We already have a draft of the framework but the more we interact, the more we shall generate ideas from the different stakeholders. At a later stage the regional framework on good governance will either be adopted as a protocol or remain a framework,” she said.

Kiraso also observed that the conference would be a forum not only for the different stakeholders to make their input but will also look at what role they can play to promote good governance in the regional bloc.

She added that as EAC continues to integrate, issues of good governance remain fundamental and that the region continues to get attention on issues that constrain the creation of a peaceful and stable environment for foreign investment and trade. 

"This calls for institutional and capacity development through policies and mechanisms that ensure good governance, democracy, protection of human rights, and promotion of the rule of law,”

The 3 day conference will be attended by senior government officials from key ministries and institutions whose attributes relate to good governance, East African Legislative Assembly, the East African Court of Justice, heads of regional organizations and representatives from Civil Society Organizations from the five partner states.
