Get used to school

Today is the second day since schools opened. For many children, the environment may appear challenging especially after the holidays. However, you can quickly get used to the school environment by catching up with your friends and making new ones.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today is the second day since schools opened. For many children, the environment may appear challenging especially after the holidays. However, you can quickly get used to the school environment by catching up with your friends and making new ones.

Since children who are new comers at a school always find it difficult to cope, try to teach them and walk them around the school so that they catch up. 

Since your parents have tried their best to take you to school, learn to keep time on a daily basis so that your name is not marked with stars on the class register for late coming.

Teachers will put their trust in you when you are always early because it means that you are interested in your studies. This means that you stand higher chances of winning votes if you intend to stand for a leadership position at school.

Teachers will be happy with because they will consider you to be responsible. Your fellow students will also look up to you as someone who can help them. You never know your performance could skyrocket since you are always early and do not miss lessons.

Make an effort to report for school so that you improve on your performance and enjoy school life.
