Know your rights

Children have the right to stay with their parents. It is a crime to be taken away from your family without your parents knowing. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Children have the right to stay with their parents. It is a crime to be taken away from your family without your parents knowing. 

In the Human Rights book, on fact sheet number 10, the rights of a child state that, "Children shall not be separated from their parents, except by competent authorities for their wellbeing.”

A number of cases have been reported of people who kidnap children. Recently on BBC (a British News TV station), a reporter talked of a case of young Habyarimana who was kidnapped by a woman.

This woman was going to sell the innocent Habyarimana for 23 million Ugandan shillings. Kidnapping and selling a child under the law, is a very big crime which the woman committed. There’s no human being who is supposed to be sold. Human are not commodities for sale.

Thanks to the Ugandan police who rescued Habyarimana and arrested the woman. Therefore, every child irrespective of the country has a right to be protected from anything that can separate them from their families.            
