Youths urged to conserve the environment

WESTERN PROVINCE RUTSIRO — Youth in Rutsiro District have been urged to be exemplary in conserving the environment.

Monday, January 12, 2009


RUTSIRO — Youth in Rutsiro District have been urged to be exemplary in conserving the environment.

The call was made on Friday, during a one day forum for youth on environmental protection, organised under the theme: ‘Youth set our future through environmental protection’, at the district headquarters.

As part of the event, participants were entertained with different activities including volley ball games, cultural songs and poems all with a focus on promoting environmental safety. According to J.Pierre Nsabimana, the head of Youth Culture and Sports at the district, such forums are organised annually.

"Every year the district organises such forums of youth from different secondary schools and universities. We hold them under different themes and they (youth) have played a key role in promoting the district,” he said.

During holidays, Nsabimana, added, the youth engage in different constructive activities like training adults literacy skills including reading and writing in English. He explained that the youth will this year give environmental protection a priority.  

"This year we have opted to design our district and make it greener. We agreed that the environment is only friendly to human life when it is well protected,” he said.

Pierre Habinshuti, the head of University Youth Association in the district, expressed optimism about their efforts, saying they would work hard to help the district.

According to him, the youth resolved to set their performance goals that will in turn be combined with that of the district.
