Number of FARG beneficiaries falls as validation starts

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The number of genocide survivors sponsored by the Fund for Genocide Survivors (FARG) in the Karongi district, went down after the first day of the validation exercise, amidst intensified government efforts to rid the list of fake applicants.

Monday, January 12, 2009


KARONGI — The number of genocide survivors sponsored by the Fund for Genocide Survivors (FARG) in the Karongi district, went down after the first day of the validation exercise, amidst intensified government efforts to rid the list of fake applicants.

The validation exercise started on Friday morning, at village levels, during which residents helped local leaders identify genuine vulnerable genocide survivors.

At ADEPR Church near Gatwaro Stadium in the Bwishyura Sector, a number of local leaders were humiliated after being accused by residents of diverting funds and property meant for genocide survivors and supporting their actions with false accountability.

According to reports, some of the materials diverted include iron sheets, cement and other construction materials, but none of the leaders involved in the mess have so far been reprimanded.

In different Cells of the Sector, residents were shocked as the number of beneficiaries dwindled down from about 70 people to 15.

One genocide survivor, who spoke to The New Times on condition of anonymity due to his security concerns, said he was aware of local leaders who included their relatives on the list when they were not eligible.

"I know most of these leaders who fixed their relatives on the list yet they are economically stable. This is a good action (validation) the government has taken and I hope it will reveal the truth,” he said.

The validation was prompted by reports which alleged that more than 90% of leaders in the Province diverted funds meant for survivors for personal enrichment.

The Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Dr. Jean d’Arc Mujawamariya, had earlier warned that such leaders responsible for the mess will be prosecuted.

The minister noted that it was so depressing to find leaders putting in their stomachs what would help survivors.
