Eight districts get new leaders in by-election
Friday, June 29, 2018
Local Government Minister Francis Kaboneka (L) shares a light moment with Amb. Rao Hongwei, the Chinese envoy to Rwanda, as other officials look on. This was during the launch of the 10,000 Villages Digital Television Project in Musanze District on Thursday. Regis Umurengezi.

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) on Friday carried out by-elections to fill vacant mayoral posts in eight districts around the country.

New mayors were elected in Nyagatare, Kayonza, Bugesera, Huye, Gicumbi, Rusizi and Nyabihu districts.

This follows a recent wave of resignations by mayors and in most cases the entire district leaderships many of whom citing personal reasons while others were bold enough to say they had failed in their mandated duties.

In other cases, the District Advisory Council made it no secret that they had been fired over failure to discharge their duties, like it was the case in Gicumbi and Huye districts, among others.

Eastern Province

Richard Mutabazi, Angelique Umwali and Yvette Imanishimwe were elected for Mayor, Vice Mayor in Charge of Economic Development and Vice Mayor in Charge of Social Affairs respectively for Bugesera District.

In Nyagatare District, Claudian Mushabe was elected district mayor with Steven Rurangwa for vice mayor Economic Development, and Juliet Murekatete for Vice Mayor in Charge of Social Affairs.

Kayonza district had two vacancies: the district council chairperson and the vice mayor in charge of economic development which saw the election of Valentine Mukamuyenzi and Hope Munganyinka to fill the respective vacancies.

Northern Province

Three positions in the executive committee were filled in Gicumbi District bringing in Felix Ndayambaje as new Mayor, Anastase Nteziryayo Vice Mayor for Economic Development while Elisabeth Mujawamariya was elected Vice Mayor in Charge of Social Affairs.

Southern Province

Ange Sebutege former spokesperson of the Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration was elected new Mayor of Huye, Andre Kamana Vice Mayor in charge of Economic Development and Annonciata Kankesha, Vice mayor in charge of Social Affairs.

Nyaruguru District elected Janvier Gashema for Vice Mayor for Economic Development, the only vacancy they had. Gashema had been a Councillor from Munini Sector.

Western Province

Nyabihu District had three vacancies which were filled with Antoinette Mukandayisenga (mayor) who had been a councillor from Rugera Sector.

Others include Pascal Simpenzwe for Vice Mayor Social affairs and Jean Claude Habanabakize, Vice Mayor Economic Development.

Rusizi District had only the position of mayor vacant in which Ephrem Kayumba was elected into.

The newly elected mayors Mushabe of Nyagatare District and Mutabazi Bugesera District in Eastern Province commonly promised to make citizen development a priority.
