Gisenyi residents lack transport to new market

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Gisenyi town residents have criticised ATRACO for failing to provide taxis from the town centre to Mbugangari, where Gisenyi market was relocated.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


RUBAVU — Gisenyi town residents have criticised ATRACO for failing to provide taxis from the town centre to Mbugangari, where Gisenyi market was relocated.

The market was recently relocated there, about 2km from the town centre as part of the new town plan.

"ATRACO has failed to fulfil its promise. We have for a long time waited for the taxi they promised to transport people to the market.

The market being located on a hill, bicycles can’t be of use. We have been using motorcycles which are expensive. Spending Rwf600 every time one is visiting the market is too expensive,” complained Michelin Uwikunda.

Talking to The New Times on Friday from the market, Uwikunda appealed to the district authorities to intervene and save the situation.

"We are not against the town plan because it will benefit all of us. All we ask is transport facilitation to the market because in any case, a taxi would charge us less than we currently spend on motorcycles,” she said.

Contacted for a comment, Antoine Karenzi, ATRACO official in the area, said that the taxi has been put in place to transport traders and shoppers to Mbugangari market but there were still a few challenges that hindered its daily operation.

"We have had fuel shortages in the past which forced the existing taxi not to be regular. But it will start operation as soon as possible,” explained Karenzi.

He called upon residents to always use the taxi when it resumes plying the route in order to enable its maintenance and continuous operation.

"We shall soon have more taxis to the market since STRABAG is going to be soon working on Gisenyi town roads,” he added.

According to the Rubavu district officer in charge of good governance and development, Martin Habimana, the market was moved last year from the town centre to its current location in Mbugangari, to reduce congestion in Gisenyi town.  
He said that the district was working hand in hand with ATRACO to provide efficient, cheap and regular transport means to the market.
